Full-time athlete application

Athletes looking to apply to be a part of the Team Bath Full-time Athlete group must:

  • Compete in an Olympic, Paralympic or Commonwealth sport, or a sport with a professional club/franchise structure in the UK.
  • Be recognised on their National Governing Body (NGB) performance pathway and competing internationally for their country.
  • Have reasonable expectation of a career in their sport and/or training requirements of over 18 hours a week.

To apply to be a full-time athlete at Team Bath, please complete the following online application form:

If you are part of a National Governing Body who does not have a primary training base at the University of Bath, please contact athlete-support@bath.ac.uk after completing the form to discuss full-time athlete access.

If you wish to apply for a parking permit as a full-time athlete, you will need to complete the application form below.

Completing applications for Full-Time athlete status and a parking permit does not guarantee you either of these benefits. Following your application, we will contact you with regards to your applications.

Please note the terms and conditions of our Team Bath Athlete Agreement [click here for current terms] when applying. All activities – coaching, training, competition and recreational – are subject to prevailing Government and sport-specific guidelines.

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