Scholars by year awarded

2023/24 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Luke Ball Athletics Goldsmith
Ella Fullman Rowing Bill Whiteley
Robbie Hemmings Swimming Bill Whiteley
Jenny Hesketh Rugby union Trendell
Alanna Pullen Netball Oner Active
Jack Skerry Swimming US Foundation

A picture of the 2023-24 University of Bath sporting scholars - (from left) Alanna Pullen, Luke Ball, Ella Fullman, Jenny Hesketh, (inset) Jack Skerry and Robbie Hemmings

2022/23 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
George Gray Cycling Matrix
Sophie Kelly Netball Bill Whiteley
Jayda Pechova Netball Trendell
Angus Pollock Rowing Goldsmith
Laura Turberville Artistic Swimming Ivor Powell

2021/22 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Cameron Brooker Swimming Ivor Powell
Phoebe Hayden Rowing Santander
Gemma Lane Cricket Alumni
Daniella Lloyd Artistic Swimming Goldsmith
Louise Sadler Fencing Trendell
Josh Shipp Judo Santander
Kate Shortman Artistic Swimming Bill Whiteley
Aleeya Sibbons Athletics Santander

2020/21 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Remi Adebiyi Athletics Trendell
Orlando Bailey Rugby Union Matrix
Ellie Burgess Sprint Canoeing Thompson Education Trust
Leah Crisp Swimming Santander
Olivia Green Modern Pentathlon Alumni
Dylan Holland Hockey Bill Whiteley
Tom Hunt Water Polo Santander
Isobel Ives Athletics Santander
Ben Jones Tennis Alumni
Steph Marsden Netball Santander
Vicki McCabe Hockey Ivor Powell
Hannah Passmore Netball Buchan Jones
William Ryley Swimming Goldsmith
Ethan Staddon Rugby Union Santander
Luke Turley Swimming Santander
Emma Whitaker Modern Pentathlon Santander

2019/20 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Leon Chevalier Triathlon Santander
Cari Davies Hockey Santander
William Hamernick Lacrosse American Fund
Adam Hames Bobsleigh Thompson Education Trust
William Jones Badminton Santander
Georgia Martin Rowing Matrix
Oliver Murray Modern Pentathlon Santander
Toby Price Modern Pentathlon Bill Whiteley
William Ryley Swimming Goldsmith
Sofia Sjoborg Equestrian Santander
Tomos Slade Athletics Lewis
Kirsty Way Trampolining King
Becky Wilde Rowing Santander
George Worboys Rugby Union Ivor Powell
Milly Wordley Water Polo Thompson Education Trust

2018/19 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Cara Clarke Rugby Union Ivor Powell
Hannah Jones Cricket Trendell
Tom Doughty Rugby Union Trendell
Tom Dean Swimming Bill Whiteley
Alastair Chalmers Athletics King
Molly Chapman Badminton Santander
Daisy Collingridge Sailing Santander
Jack Davies Rugby Union Santander
Charlie Follett Modern Pentathlon Santander
Zara Mullholland Rowing Santander
Anna Reynolds Hockey Santander
James Russell Fencing Santander
Luke Turley Swimming Goldsmith
Ben Claridge Athletics Thompson Education Trust
Caleb Ralston Tennis Thompson Education Trust

2017/18 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Jordan Ainslie Rugby Union Trendell
Olivia Caesar Athletics Trendell
Charlotte Curtis Netball Santander
Beck Cutting Rugby Union Trendell
Tom Derbyshire Swimming British Swimming
Sophie Drakeford-Lewis Netball Whiteley
Jacob Greenow Swimming Santander
Chari Hawkins Athletics Santander
Anna Hopkin Swimming Thompson Education Trust
Sarah Jackson Windsurfing Santander
Ben Jones Tennis Buchan Jones
Laura Macro Rowing Santander
Tim Nurse Hockey King
Tash Pavelin Netball Santander
Myles Pillage Modern Pentathlon Trendell
Lauren Williams Athletics Santander

2016/17 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Thomas Sinclair Swimming Bill Whiteley
Imogen Allison Netball King
Laura Macro Rowing Matrix
Jack Edmondson Rugby Union Goldsmith
Cameron Chalmers Athletics Thompson
Sarah Collin Modern Pentathlon Thompson
Eloise Laity Hockey Thompson
Charlotte Mclennaghan Athletics Trendell
Lottie Holland Rugby Union Trendell
Levi Davis Rugby Union Trendell
Mari Davies Swimming Trendell
Jazmine Butcher Alpine Skiing Santander
Valdo Szucs Athletics Santander
Amelia Stuart Tennis Santander
Georgia Hannam Modern Pentathlon Santander
Bradley Sutton Modern Pentathlon Santander
Hugo Stiles Rugby Union Santander
Jack Davies Rugby Union Santander
Stephanie Clutterbuck Rowing Santander
Emma Stacey Clay Pigeon Shooting Santander
Lily Honor Football Santander

2015-16 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Shauntelle Austin Swimming Bill Whiteley
Prisca Awiti-Alcaraz Judo King
Nick Bell Rowing Goldsmith
Oliver Clark Athletics Santander
Shaunagh Craig Netball Santander
Sydney Gregson Rugby Union Trendell
Jack Houghton Athletics Santander
Alex Lane Badminton Trendell
Alice MacAulay Skiing Santander
Jennifer Nesbit Athletics Trendell
Greg Palmer Rugby Union Santander
Paige Reed Netball Santander
Chloe Robyns-Landricombe Judo Thompson Education Trust
Noah Rogerson Fencing Santander
Peter Scott Hockey Trendell
Emily Siebrecht Swimming Santander
Thomas Tsiopanis Swimming Santander
Lloyd Wallace Aerial Skiing Santander

2014/15 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Owen Bowerman Sailing Santander
Fiona Burnet Hockey Santander
Freddie Clarke Rugby Union Santander
Sam Courty Rowing Santander
Jemima Duxberry Judo Santander
Will Harrison Swimming Santander
Alice Hawker Eventing Santander
Ludi Hopkinson Rugby Union Santander
Emma Hurst Tennis Trendell
Dannielle Jordan Hockey Santander
Alex Kaye Swimming Trendell
Nick Moynihan Skiing Santander
Angus Pedersen Badminton Trendell
Eilidh Prise Modern Pentathlon Bill Whiteley
Fran Wells Netball Trendell

2013/14 new scholars

Athlete name Sport Scholarship awarded
Ollie Biddulph Bobsleigh Santander
George Buckney Rugby Union Santander
Joe Choong Modern Pentathlon Ivor Powell
Tom Edwards Fencing Santander
Jan Gosiewski Judo Trendell
Kate Holmes Hockey Santander
Matthew Johnson Swimming British Swimming University of Bath
Jay Lelliott Swimming Santander
Jacob Paul Athletics Trendell
Georgina Povall Sailing Bill Whiteley
Jack Preece Sailing Santander
Lizzy Rees Archery Santander
Niklas Rieger Hockey Trendell
Georgina Schwiening Duathlon/Triathlon Santander
Stuart Scott Fencing Santander
Lizzie Simmonds Swimming British Swimming University of Bath
James Webster Fencing Santander

The 2013 scholars (photo: Sam Farr)

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