Plenty of family fun as hundreds of people Try Games at inspirational and inclusive Bath sporting festival

The Olympic Day values of ‘move, learn and discover’ shone through when more than 300 people took part in over 20 inclusive sports and activities at the second Try Games event.
Team Bath was among the partners working with organisers from Three Ways School, in Bath, to provide a whole range of interactive activities that the whole family could enjoy.
They included a laser shooting challenge with Pentathlon GB and a chance to try netball with Team Bath Superleague player Hannah Passmore, while Team Bath Tennis served up plenty of fun.
Adapted martial arts and frame football also proved popular and visitors to Odd Down Sports Ground also took part in the annual Olympic Day Run.
More than £2,000 was raised for Three Ways School on the day and the money will be used to provide new adapted playground equipment at the Special Needs Academy.
Zoe Keddie, Try Games Committee Chair, said: “I’m hugely proud and humbled I get to be involved in this incredible event. It is so wonderful to see everyone, of every ability getting involved in so many activities.
“We hope the Games give the incentive to more people to get involved with local sports clubs. I want to thank to all our partners, sponsors, participants and the incredible committee who made it all possible.”
A Three Ways School parent added: “It’s one of our most treasured days of the year. The whole family is involved and the sheer enthusiasm of the kids is worth it all.”
Another parent said: “You don’t know how much this event means to us parents, to have events for the whole family where our disabled child is at the centre is treasured and amazing.”
Jo Stoaling, Head Teacher of Three Ways School, added: “The event embodies the values of the school with everyone included, something that everyone can enjoy, have a go at and be part of the community.
“We are proud to be part of the Try Games and grateful for the funds that allow the school to develop more play and learning in the school playgrounds.”
Planning is now underway for 2020. If you’d like to sponsor the event or get involved in some way please contact Lucy Beattie at Three Ways School,